Our Services

At Abeo School Change, we cultivate and develop the internal capacity of schools and school systems to improve performance in multiple areas. We accomplish this through a strong human-centered focus on organizational culture, the collective efficacy of teachers and leaders, and instructional excellence in the classroom.

Our services fall into three interrelated action areas: Organizational Development, Team Development, and Talent Development:

  • Organizational Development

    Cultivating and developing the internal capacity of schools and school systems to improve performance in multiple areas through a strong human-centered focus on organizational culture.

  • Team Development

    Individual and collective development and coaching for administrative leadership teams, instructional leadership teams, and professional learning communities to positively impact adult collaboration utilizing collaborative techniques, assessing and tuning communication, and attending to the quality of adult learning for optimal results.

  • Talent Development

    Human-centered coaching and coach development for district, school and teacher leaders, and teachers utilizing adult learning theory for a high-performance organizational culture.